Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?

Ready to get out there and start busting some ghosts? Excellent news rookie, we have openings!

Join Us

To apply for membership in Yellow Rose Ghostbusters we simply ask you review our Charter, and have at least one Ghostbusters canon costume. To meet these requirements, a canon costume needs to be the following:

  • A flight suit

  • Black boots

  • White/ web belt

  • Elbow Pads

  • And at least one belt accessory. Examples:

    • MT500 Motorola Walkie Talkie

    • Belt Gizmo (circuit board + daughter board)

    • Leather belt fobs with clips

    • LifeGard 2

    • PKE Meter

Got all your gear and ready to show us you ain’t afraid of no ghosts? Message our Facebook page and let us know; you will be provided a link to the membership survey and once complete, you will be notified of results following Membership Liaison Officer verification.